Quicken Your Spiritual Awakening!

Is it possible to quicken our spiritual awakening? What practices can help us to progress along our spiritual path? Ever since human beings began to use mental abilities thousands of years ago, their innate urge to be spiritually awake impelled them to want to know their relationship with the Infinite. Join Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian and her guru Roy Eugene Davis, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda and internationally known spiritual teacher and author, as they discuss practices and actions that will support us in quickening our spiritual awakening.

Roy Eugene Davis a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda and an internationally known spiritual teacher and author, bringing the teachings of Kriya Yoga to thousands of students for more than 65 years. He has published many books on the teachings of Kriya Yoga that have been translated into at least 10 languages and has continuously published the bi- monthly Truth journal for over 60 years. Mr. Davis is the founder of the Center for Spiritual Awareness and which a beautiful retreat center in the mountains of northern Georgia,

The CSA website is CSA-Davis.org


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