Energize Your Practice
How can we experience rapid, authentic spiritual growth? How can we keep our practice steady and strong? Whether we are new to the spiritual path or are rededicating ourselves to a practice of many years duration, Kriya yoga offers practical spiritual principles, lifestyle guidelines, and meditation techniques that allow us to live a life that is of value to ourselves, to others around us, to the environment, and to the world. Join guest host Dr. Laurel Trujillo and Roy Eugene Davis, direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, as they discuss how energizing and deepening your spiritual practice allows you to live the life you were meant to live.
Roy Eugene Davis is one of the last living direct disciples of Paramahansa Yogananda and is an internationally known spiritual teacher and author, bringing the teachings of Kriya Yoga to thousands of students for more than 65 years. He has published many books on the teachings of Kriya Yoga that have been translated into at least 10 languages and has continuously published the bi- monthly Truth journal for over 60 years. Mr. Davis is the founder of the Center for Spiritual Awareness which has a beautiful retreat center in the mountains of northern Georgia,
The CSA website is CSA-Davis.org