Mudras for Healing and Transformation

Discover the positive qualities that mudras evoke in us! Join yoga therapist and author, Joseph LePage, as he shares the ancient yogic science of mudra, yogic hand gestures for healing the physical body, balancing the mind and awakening spirit. If your body can’t do yoga, your hands can.
#mudra #yoga #eightlimbs #anxietyrelief #personaltransformation #jnanayoga #meditation

Joseph Le Page founded Integrative Yoga and Integrative Yoga Therapy (IYT) in 1993 and is a pioneer in the field of Yoga therapy training programs. He began teaching yoga therapy in hospital settings in 1995 and continues up to the present as Director of The Healthy Heart Program. Joseph has been a speaker at major conferences including Yoga Journal, the International Association of Yoga Therapists, the Kripalu Yoga Teacher’s Association, the International Association of Yoga and Ayurveda, and others. He is co-founder and director of the Enchanted Mountain Yoga Center in Garopaba, Brazil, one of the largest Yoga retreat centers in South America. He is the co-author of Yoga Toolbox for Teacher and Students and the book being discussed in this program, Mudras for Healing and Transformation.

THE YOGA HOUR TEAM COMMENTS: The podcast on mudras with Joseph Le Page is both dynamic and experiential. Joseph portrays mudras as radio antennas into the superconscious realms, a connection beyond words, thoughts and speech. He sees mudras as transmitters to enhance an inner journey to finding the true self. The basic hand gestures (Hasta Mudras) are clearly explained and demonstrated.  An integrated meditation through the mudras of the eight limbs is very powerful and I can feel how it would prepare me to sit for a deep meditation

DR. TRUJILLO’S COMMENTS: Our rich conversation drew from Joseph Le Page’s classic book Mudras for Healing and Transformation, and included the definition of the Sanskrit word mudra, meaning to bring forth delight and enchantment.  He described mudras as doorways that open ourselves to superconsciousness which is beyond words, thoughts, and speech, and also mudras as antennas that can both receive and transmit our inherent spiritual qualities at the soul level.  Joseph gave a demonstration of several mudras, including those representing the eight limbs of yoga, as well as those that can help relieve anxiety. This was a wonderful conversation that listeners will learn from and enjoy.


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