Connect to Divine Energy for Healthy Relationships and Successful Living
How can we attune ourselves to the subtle Divine energy that brings spiritual awakening, improves relationships and brings what we need for successful living? Shivani Lucki, internationally known Kriya Yoga meditation teacher and author of Healing with Life Force, shares Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings for vitality, healing and Self-realization.
Shivani Lucki
Shivani Lucki dedicated her life to the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda in 1969 when she met Swami Kriyananda, the founder of the Ananda community. Her passion has always been the self-healing techniques of Yogananda, taking on as her unique mission to find and share these mostly out-of-print or never published teachings. She helped to establish two Ananda communities-one in California and one in Assisi, Italy as well as the Yogananda Academy of Europe. She is also the founder of Life Therapy School for Self-Healing. Since 1985 she and her husband have lived at the Ananda Assisi Community in Italy. Shivani is the author of a trilogy of books entitled, Healing with Life Force: Teachings and Techniques of Paramahansa Yogananda
#kriyayoga #spiritualmagnetism #prosperity #healingrelationships #clarityofpurpose
THE YOGA HOUR TEAM COMMENTS: In Shivani Lucki’s third book in this trilogy focusing on magnetism she quoted her teacher, Swami Kriyananda, who said "Divine in fact the most powerful—indeed, in the last analysis the only force in the universe.” Roy Eugene Davis said something similar "There is an enlivening power that is nurturing the universe and we can learn to cooperate with it.” When Shivani described spiritual magnetism she referenced Yogananda who said that our spiritual evolution is dependent on 25% of our own effort, 25% of support from our spiritual teacher and 50% is dependent on God’s love. She said that when our thoughts and energy are all focused on our spiritual evolution we create a magnetism that draws God to us. She compared it to the gravity of the sun. When something gets to a certain point near the sun, its gravity pulls it in. There is no choice. It is that way with our one-pointed attention to our spiritual awakening. Our own effort with help from the guru gets us close enough for God's grace to take over. In tumultuous times it is important to be reminded what our purpose in life is and how we are supported when we turn our attention to God. For me this conversation with Shivani Lucki was a supportive reminder.
DR. TRUJILLO’S COMMENTS: I particularly appreciated the view that Shivani Lucki shared of the magnetic power of Divine Love as the force behind magnetism. I enjoyed our discussion of the components of magnetism that bring prosperity and success such as clarity of purpose and conviction that we are capable of achieving our goal. As we discussed, meditation and going into our inner calm can help us access our intuition and discernment and guide us on our way. Our conversation about how God comes to us through our relationships with others was illuminating. Listeners will enjoy this discussion of success in our efforts and in our relationships.