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Laurel Trujillo Laurel Trujillo

Harness Your Healing Energy with Yoga

Are you ready to amplify the benefits of your hatha yoga practice? Lauren Walker, certified yoga teacher and energy medicine practitioner, shares practices that help you to access your underlying healing potential.

Lauren Walker is the author of Energy Medicine Yoga: Amplify the Healing Power of Your Yoga Practice and The Energy Medicine Yoga Prescription. Both books won the Nautilus Silver award for best Mind/Body publication. She’s been teaching yoga and meditation since 1997 and created Energy Medicine Yoga while teaching at Norwich University. She teaches EMYoga across the US and internationally and has been featured many times in Yoga Journal, MantraMagazine, Yoga Digest, and published a feature article about her yoga work in The New York Times. Her latest book is The Energy to Heal is available for pre-order.

 For more of her work, see

YOGA HOUR TEAM COMMENTS: One of the topics discussed today was on the importance of using the pranamaya kosha energy system to enhance the medicine that is intrinsic in our own bodies. I was also particularly interested in the discussion of how energy forms habits ... the way we breath, our thought patterns. The 2 analogies that struck a cord were: 1) Similar to a traffic jam stopping the flow of traffic - the area where energy backs up is where the pain resides, and 2) that by changing the configuration of a riverbank, the water flow is redirected. These analogies brought clarity to the process of moving energy systems that aren't beneficial to energy patterns that are beneficial. Lauren was able to share 2 simple techniques she uses at the start of her yoga practice to wake up the energy and come to a calm centered, organized place to begin.

DR. TRUJILLO’S COMMENTS: I enjoyed the opportunity to talk with Lauren about her book Energy Medicine Yoga: Amplify the Healing Power of Your Yoga Practice. We had an interesting conversation about the energy architecture that underlies the physical body which has such a profound impact on our health. She gave a great analogy about how grooming the ski slopes at night is similar to what we need to do with our body’s energy every day. Discussing the principles that govern energy flows in the body, such as “Energy wants to move and needs space to move”, and “Energy forms habits”, were useful for me to understand energy in a new way. . I appreciated that she shared a few of the practices with our listeners that are part of the “Wake Up” energy medicine yoga practice, including the 4 Thumps and the Cross Crawl.

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Laurel Trujillo Laurel Trujillo

Connect with the Deeper Wisdom of Yoga

Are you ready to deepen and enliven your yoga practice beyond the mat? Pamela Seelig, yoga practitioner, teacher and author of Threads of Yoga shares how the profound spiritual philosophy and enriching practices of yoga can enhance our daily lives


Pamela Seelig is a yoga and meditation teacher based in New Jersey. She began her yoga journey in 1991 when an illness interrupted her Wall Street career. The practice of yoga helped with recovery and led to a lifelong pursuit of perceiving and sharing yogic wisdom. Pamela’s roots are with the Integral Yoga Institute, and she is a certified Hatha, Raja, and Meditation teacher. She is author of the recently released book, Threads of Yoga, Themes, Reflections, and Meditations to Weave Into Your Practice.

THE YOGA HOUR TEAM COMMENTS: The discussion today with Pamela Seelig was stimulating. I appreciated that it began and stayed focused on the basic wisdom of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras Book I, sutras 2 and 3.

Yoga citta vrtti nirodha:

"Yoga is the quieting of the mind

And then the seer abides in her true nature"

Pamela defined Yoga as quieting the mind, one fundamental aspect of yoga that we are not our thoughts. Once we quiet our thoughts and learn to observe them, we can experience who we really are, then direct life from this inner connection. The practice you had her share, "Observe the Inner Thought Stream", was a wonderful example of the quotes, practices, and postures she provides in each chapter of her book to bring an experiential wisdom of the yoga thread of the chapter.

DR. TRUJILLO’S COMMENTS: It was a pleasure to discuss your book, Threads of Yoga, with Pamela Seelig. I appreciate how grounded our conversation and her book are in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. It was a treat to be able to begin our discussion with Yoga Sutra 1.2, how yoga is the cessation of mental modifications, and 1.3, when mental modifications cease, we rest in our essential nature. I enjoyed her description that “When we see the twinkle in someone’s eye, we’re “seeing” prana.” Our discussion of prana was informative: how to build it, what depletes it, and that we each have an energy sheath underlying the physical body that is important to our health, as was our discussion of the third chakra, manipura.

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Laurel Trujillo Laurel Trujillo

Living Your Spiritual Practice

What is it to live this human life in a spiritual way? Zoketsu Norman Fischer, Zen teacher, author and poet shares stories and reflections that offer insights and teaching, helping us define what is really spiritual practice and what supports us in living our best life. This program focuses on his latest book When You Greet Me I Bow, Notes and Reflections From a Life in Zen.

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Zoketsu Norman Fischer is a poet, an author and Zen Buddhist priest. For many years he has taught at the San Francisco Zen Center, the oldest and largest of the new Buddhist organizations in the West, where he served as Co-abbot from 1995-2000. He is presently a Senior Dharma Teacher there as well as the founder and spiritual director of the Everyday Zen Foundation, an organization dedicated to adapting Zen Buddhist teachings to Western culture.  Norman’s recent book is When You Greet Me I Bow, Notes and Reflections From a Life in Zen.

You can find out more about Zoketsu Norman Fischer, his teaching and books at the websites and  You can also find previous conversations with Norman Fischer in our archive at

THE YOGA HOUR TEAM COMMENTS: There were many deep spiritual teachings in this program. Even though Norman Fischer is a Zen Buddhist priest and told his stories from a Buddhist perspective, Dr. Trujillo brings in the connection between the practice of Buddhism and Yoga. He reiterated how at the mystical core of all the great religions, there is connection, which is what is taught by the Kriya Yoga masters. I loved Zoketsu’s story, which he says is a canonical story, of the Buddha's wife, but not told very often. The learning from this story is that we can have a spiritual life but we don't have to be a monastic to do that. Dr. Trujillo brought up the teachers in our lineage who were householders and monastics, so we have the same example in the Yogic teachings. I also appreciated his teaching about relationship and that everything in this manifest realm is about relationship. He says "Relationship isn't about what happens or doesn't happen in this life but relationship is life. In Yoga remembering our relationship to our Self is the highest relationship. These were just a couple of my take-aways from this program.

DR. TRUJILLO’S COMMENTS: Norman Fischer’s book is delightful, and I felt privileged to have been able to discuss it with him. I enjoyed seeing the parallels between Buddhism and Yoga in our discussion of the separate self as illusory, the importance of relationship on the spiritual path, and in our discussion of suffering and the need for equanimity. His closing comments about the importance of our individual practice, not only for ourselves but for the world, and the importance of sharing kindness with all whom we meet were timely and a wonderful way to close the show.

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Laurel Trujillo Laurel Trujillo

Sri Yukteswar, The Incarnation of Wisdom

Swami Sri Yukteswar

Swami Sri Yukteswar

Paramahansa Yogananda recognized Sri Yukteswar as his guru the moment he saw him. Sri Yukteswar was humble, learned, and a tough but loving spiritual teacher. Yogacharya O’Brian shares how we can learn, even in modern times, from the wise teachings of this great Kriya Yoga master.

Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian is the founder of the Yoga Hour. She  is an acclaimed teacher, poet, award-winning author, and minister who has served seekers of spiritual enlightenment from all walks of life for over forty years. She is the recent recipient of the 2021 New Thought Walden Award for Interfaith and Intercultural Understanding.  She has published several books including her latest book, The Jewel of Abundance: Finding Prosperity Through the Ancient Wisdom of Yoga. A teacher in the tradition of Kriya Yoga, Yogacharya O’Brian serves people from all faith backgrounds who are seeking what is known as Self- or God-realization, or awakening and is the spiritual director of the Center for Spiritual Enlightenment, a meditation center in San Jose, CA.


YOGA HOUR TEAM COMMENTS: Yogacharya O’Brian offers us deep teachings from the tradition of Kriya Yoga in just this short hour. Her comments about attunement with the guru offered insight into the connection between the spiritual teacher and their student. She told us that when one has a guru who is steeped in the higher states of consciousness and you are in their presence, you get the experience or soul memory of their consciousness, they share their higher states of consciousness and which creates imprints in our own consciousness. We then take that with us and can draw on that. This is evidence of the importance of being in the physical presence of the guru whenever we can be. Her quote from Sri Yukteswar saying that Kriya Yoga is karma yoga is very important to understand. Kriya Yoga is a path of service. Our devotion, our study, our inner work all leads to serving others, to serving the world around us.

DR. TRUJILLO’S COMMENTS: I learned a lot from this discussion of the great Kriya Yoga teacher, Swami Sri Yukteswar. I appreciated the opportunity to discuss why it is important to study the “states of consciousness and virtuous attitudes and behaviors of spiritually enlightened saints and sages” (as Roy Eugene Davis translated from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra #1.37) which can provide guidance and inspiration for us on our own spiritual journey. I also welcomed her comments about Swami Sri Yukteswar’s focus that Kriya Yoga is a life of service, and that the culmination of mystical experience lies in serving others. I found the discussion of the yugas, or ages, as outlined in Swami Sri Yukteswar’s book The Holy Science to be hopeful and reassuring. We are in an ascending cycle of our spiritually awakening world, and even thought we see chaos and negativity we are on an upward trajectory for this world becoming more spiritually awake.

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Laurel Trujillo Laurel Trujillo

Lessons from Lahiri Mahasaya, the Bliss-Filled Father of Kriya Yoga

Yogacharya O’Brian returns to The Yoga Hour to celebrate the life and teachings of Lahiri Mahasaya who revealed where the practical and mystical aspects of our life meet in harmonious accord. Discover how where you are right now is most auspicious for spiritual awakening.


Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian is the founder and spiritual director of the Yoga Hour. She is a spiritual teacher, writer, poet, and the founder and spiritual director of Center for Spiritual Enlightenment—a Kriya Yoga Meditation Center with headquarters in San Jose, California. She teaches nationally and internationally and has received several community service awards, including the Mahatma Gandhi Award for the Promotion of Religious Pluralism and, most recently, the 2021 New Thought Walden Award for Interfaith and Intercultural Understanding. Her latest award-winning bestseller The Jewel of Abundance: Finding Prosperity through the Ancient Wisdom of Yoga was published by New World Library and is available through her website and on Amazon.

Websites:, and the Center for Spiritual Enlightenment

THE YOGA HOUR TEAM COMMENTS: A really amazing program today. I learned so much more about Lahiri Mahasaya and how the stories that we have been told about him can be seen as spiritual teaching stories to guide us on our own spiritual journey. There was so much in this episode but one thing that stood out for me was that I loved how Yogacharya O’Brian described the guru. It seemed like she could have gone on and on. Here are a few that she mentioned:
At the simplest level the guru is the teacher. The guru is the matchmaker who introduces you to the love of your life, The guru is everything. The guru is the anchor. The guru is the light that dispels the darkness. The guru means heavy as in profound. The guru is a window to see the vision of the world as holy. The guru is a key unlocking the wisdom of the soul.

Lahiri set an example of living an exemplary spiritual life in the world with a wife, 5 children and a fulltime job. He saw no strata, gender or culture in the soul. He welcomed all who were ready. He is the solid foundation of our Kriya Yoga lineage. Initiation is our link to the lineage and promises guidance on the path. It is reassuring to me that he taught that there is too much to learn in a lifetime, most important is to concentrate on the essence of the teachings. Aum - God and guru's voice within us and Kriya - breath and Vital Force.

There is so much more inspiring content in this interview. I plan to listen to this podcast again.

DR. TRUJILLO’S COMMENTS:It seems that there is always something new to discuss when we talk about Lahiri Mahasaya, and today was no exception. I particularly enjoyed Yogacharya’s discussion of how we can examine the story of Lahiri’s meeting with his guru Babaji, and how we can look for those same elements when we examine our own spiritual journey. I also enjoyed Yogacharya’s comments about how the world is a holy place, and that when we remember this it helps us to live a dharmic life. Lastly, I love Lahiri Mahasaya’s quote: “Keep on keeping on, behold one day the goal.”

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Laurel Trujillo Laurel Trujillo

Sanskrit: The Language of Yoga

What do those Sanskrit words used in yoga class really mean? Author, Sanskrit teacher, and Ashtanga yoga teacher Zoë Slatoff examines the beauty of commonly used Sanskrit words and explains how understanding and using Sanskrit can deepen our yoga practice.

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Zoe Slatoff discovered yoga at the age of 15 and has been devoted to a daily practice ever since. After training with Pattabhi Jois and Sharath in Mysore, India, Zoe was certified to teach. She has a Master’s Degree in Asian Languages and Culture from Columbia University, and is the author of Yogavataranam, a Sanskrit textbook for yoga students which uses extracts from classical yoga texts to integrate traditional and academic methods for learning the language.

Book discussed in this episode: Yogavataranam available at Amazon


THE YOGA HOUR TEAM COMMENTS: For those of us on the yoga path, this program about Sanskrit, the language of yoga, was a very informative and important program, even if we don't really want to study the language deeply. We often hear these Sanskrit words and don't really understand their significance for our practice and our study. Zoe Slatoff's years of study of this language and of the practice of Hatha (pronounced “huta”) yoga and of Yoga philosophy is very supportive of our study. She addressed why it is useful to understand some of the Sanskrit we hear. She said some study helps us to pronounce the words properly and it helps us understand the deeper meaning of the words. Often the words have several different meanings. Zoe offered practical information about how to pronounce some common words that we hear in Hatha Yoga classes as well as words from the scriptures like The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. She also offered how beginners who are wanting to learn some basics to deepen their practice can learn.

COMMENTS FROM DR. TRUJILLO: I really enjoyed our conversation about Sanskrit: The Language of Yoga, and the our discussion of many Sanskrit words that are common in Hatha yoga class, as well as several from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. I was interested to read the list in herbook of the 78 definitions of the word yoga from V.S. Apte’s dictionary which include union, fitness, plan, zeal, opportunity, and wealth. This gave listeners an idea of the challenges of translating from Sanskrit into English. I appreciated her advice for those who want to deepen their study of yoga by learning more about Sanskrit, but aren’t ready to devote the time to reading Sanskrit themselves. You advised them to read multiple English translations of the same Sanskrit material from different translators, or to chant in Sanskrit. She has wonderful supportive audio files on her website for listeners to follow up with if desired.

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Laurel Trujillo Laurel Trujillo

Finding the Path to Inner Bravery

How do we find the inner courage to face ourselves, others, and the unknown? Poet and spiritual leader Mark Nepo, author of Finding Inner Courage, reflects on how the power of honest inquiry in times of loss and uncertainty can ignite deep reflection and motivate action.

Mark Nepo has moved and inspired readers and seekers all over the world with his #1 New York Timesbest seller The Book of Awakening. He has published 22 books including Drinking from the River of Light and has recorded 15 audio projects. In 2015, he was given a Life Achievement Award by AgeNation. In 2016, he was named by Watkins: Mind Body Spirit as one of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People, and he was also chosen as one of OWN’s SuperSoul 100, a group of inspired leaders using their gifts and voices to elevate humanity. In 2017 Mark became a regular columnist for Spirituality and Health magazine.  In this episode we are discussing Mark’s most recent book Finding Inner Courage.

Mark Nepo’s Websites are For more information and to sign up for Mark’s upcoming webinar, THE FIRE OF ALIVENESS: COMING BACK INTO THE WORLD go to

Mark Nepo’s books are available at

THE YOGA HOUR TEAM COMMENTS: Courage: to stand by one's core. This is definitely a powerful and timely discussion. There is so much to contemplate here. If we want to overcome violence of the world, we need to face what is ours to face - feel what is ours to feel. Rather than running from suffering, we must help each other through it. The heart breathes by feeling and receiving, then exhales by expressing and emptying. You don't want to miss this life changing and a heart opening conversation.

DR. TRUJILLO’S COMMENTS: Although Finding Inner Courage is one of is one of Mark’s older books, I thought the topic was so helpful and so relevant to the challenges we are facing today. I loved how he shared the meaning of the word courage as coming from the Latin word cor, which means heart. He further described that when we stand by our core, we stand by the core of all being, which as I mentioned is the essence of yoga. I also particularly liked his four learnings “to explore the art of feeling (inhaling our experience) and emptying (exhaling our experience), which when leaned into can help us live.” These were: letting what is lead the way; expressing what remains unexpressed; acknowledging and forgiving our unconscious participation in life; keeping our mind open. Such wonderful teachings to share with our listeners!

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Laurel Trujillo Laurel Trujillo

The Ancient Science of Yoga: Unity and Liberation for All

In this time of increased awareness of racial disharmony, how does the study of yoga’s ancient roots invite us into greater empathy? Author and teacher Susanna Barkataki discusses how embracing yoga’s roots supports greater inclusivity and connection with each other and the world. In this program we are discussing Susanna’s book Embrace Yoga’s Roots: Courageous Ways to Deepen Your Yoga Practice.

Susanna Barkataki, is a Certified Yoga Therapist, teacher, inclusivity promoter, and yoga culture advocate. As an Indian yoga practitioner in the Shankaracharya tradition, her passion is to help others bridge the gap between yoga as an exercise and yoga as a lifestyle.  She is founder of Ignite Yoga and Wellness Institute and runs 200/500 Yoga Teacher Training programs. Susanna has an honors degree in Philosophy from UC Berkeley and a Masters in Education from Cambridge College. She is also a certified diversity, accessibility, inclusivity, and equity educator.

websites: Ignite Yoga and Wellness Institute

THE YOGA HOUR TEAM COMMENTS: Susanna shares that yoga is a very deep philosophy that has not been respected due to different reasons, but racism and disrespect for the culture from which it comes are important reasons. Susanna's book focuses on how yoga has been culturally appropriated in the west and the teachers often ignore, sterilize and dilute the actual deeper teachings of yoga without respect to the culture and history from which it comes, in order to make it more "palatable" for the white culture. She says that this violates several of the important teachings of yoga, ahimsa-harmlessness, satya-truthfulness and asteya-non stealing. She uses the example of how the greeting Namaste is misused and disrespected. The goal of the practice of yoga is liberation, liberation for ourselves and for all. She shares these four questions that she uses to guide her life: 1) Is this action causing separation? 2) Am I embracing yoga's roots and my own values? 3) Does this action create connection? 4) Does this action lead to unity and liberation for myself and for all. Does it contribute to human uplift? In this time of greater awareness of racial injustice for so many, I hope to be able to regularly incorporate these useful questions into a framework for my life.

DR. TRUJILLO’S COMMENTS: I particularly appreciated Susanna’s focus on defining yoga as that which unites, and non-yoga as that which divides. Her distinction between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation was quite helpful. The four questions she talked about for reflection before taking an action were very useful. (Does this action cause separation? Am I embracing both my and the culture of origin’s roots? Does this action create connection? Does it lead to unity and liberation?)

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