The Unity of the World’s Religions

What is the unifying thread that runs through all of the world’s major religions? Rev. Paul John Roach, Unity minister, author, and host of the podcast World Spirituality discusses that beneath the surface of differences there is a golden thread of deeper mystical understanding that is common to all religions.

Rev. Paul John Roach is a native of Wales, United Kingdom. He was ordained at Unity Ministerial School in Kansas City, Missouri in 1988 and served as the Senior Minister at Unity of Fort Worth for 30 years.  He has served on several boards and teams for the Unity movement including the board for Unity World Headquarters.  Paul is also the host of the World Spirituality podcast which is available on all the major podcast platforms. Paul is a poet and author of the book we are discussing on this program Unity and World Religions.


THE YOGA HOUR TEAM COMMENTS: I really enjoyed this program with Rev. Roach. He has such a depth of knowledge and energy about the world’s major religion and a deep appreciation and understanding of the mystical teachings that come from these religions. His years long study of these teachings and his accessible way of speaking gives us a real taste of the connection, at a deeper level, of these religions. Yogacharya O’Brian said about his book, “At once personal, practical, and profound, this distilled view of the world’s religions through the Unity lens is engaging. The global spiritual vision that emerges shines forth as the light of wholeness, revealing the way to meet the pressing challenges of our time.”

DR. TRUJILLO’S COMMENTS: I really enjoyed our conversation, which discussed the “golden thread”, or Perennial Philosophy, that underlies the world’s major religions, especially at their mystical core. As the Rig Veda reminds us, “Truth is One, the sages speak of it by many names.” I appreciated his comments on Jesus as a spiritual teacher, and God as the depth of everything, as well as the calling to not just understand a spiritual insight, but to live it fully in our lives. We briefly touched on Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism as well as Christianity, which was a wonderful opportunity to explore the Oneness teachings that each religion contains.


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