The Legacy of Paramahansa Yogananda
Countless people have been inspired by Paramahansa Yogananda’s book Autobiography of a Yogi. Philip Goldberg, author of The Life of Yogananda shares insights on the legacy of this great spiritual teacher as we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the publishing this seminal book.
Philip Goldberg’s book, American Veda documents how Indian spirituality changed the West and his book The Life of Yogananda:The Story of the Yogi Who Became the First Modern Guru is a biography that sheds new light on the life of this great spiritual teacher. Phil Goldberg has been studying the world’s spiritual traditions for more than 50 years. He is an illuminating and entertaining public speaker and workshop leader, meditation teacher, and an ordained Interfaith Minister. Phil’s most recent book is Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times. He contributes regularly to The Huffington Post, Elephant Journal and Spirituality & Health magazine online. Phil is the host of the Spirit Matters with Philip Goldberg podcast and he also leads American Veda Tours of India.
THE YOGA HOUR TEAM COMMENTS: Phil has so much information and insight about Yogananda as a person and as a great spiritual teacher. It was fun to hear about the Beatles, especially George Harrison and their influence on really popularizing these teachings from India. I was also interested in hearing that Phil recommends that if we haven't read Autobiography of a Yogi, we should. He said "If Yogananda wasn’t the most influential yogic teacher who came to America he was in the top three. mainly because of the institutions he established that continue the teachings, including the Center for Spiritual Enlightenment and because Yogananda's writing has endured to this day, 70 years after he passed. He literally has affected millions of lives. There is no way to calculate how many books have been sold since 1946, but Autobiography still sells thousands of copies each year. One of the reasons it endures is that mixed in with all the stories about people is a primer on yoga philosophy." Phil reminded us that Yogananda was a renunciant-a monk but a great example of someone who could live in the world, not shirking any of his worldly duties, but keeping his spiritual life as the priority of his life. I am inspired to pick up Autobiography of a Yogi again, and find new nuggets of learning and delight that I haven't noticed before, just as Phil said he has done.
DR. TRUJILLO’S COMMENTS: I really enjoyed having Phil Goldberg on The Yoga Hour to discuss the legacy of Yogananda and to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the publication of his book Autobiography of a Yogi. It’s always a joy to have him on the show. He was the perfect guest to have when discussing these topics. I love the way he can fill in information about what is known about Yogananda’s life from books like Autobiography of a Yogi with so many additional details from his extensive research including how Yogananda’s photo ended up on the cover of the Beatle’s album Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. It was great to review the impact of Autobiography of a Yogi on western culture with him.