Responding to Racism with the Spiritual Practices of Yoga

How do the spiritual teachings of yoga support our response to racial injustice in ourselves and in the world around us? Rev. Kamala Itzel Hayward and Dr. Laurel Trujillo discuss how we can retain our inner peace while being a presence for justice and compassion in the world.

For 13 years, Rev. Hayward practiced law full time, passionate about protecting the public—particularly those people whose voices weren’t heard and whose power was subjugated. She went through a time of spiritual questioning and came to understand that suffering is rooted in a mistaken belief of separateness. Now her unique work, founded on the teachings of yoga, mindfulness and compassionate communication ranges from promoting social justice within organizations and communities and also guiding individuals on their search for personal and professional fulfillment.  She is affiliated with the Integral Yoga Institute in San Francisco. You can learn more about Rev. Kamala and her work at her website



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Racism, Spiritual Practice, and Compassionate Right Action