Frequently Asked Questions About Kriya Yoga

What is authentic Kriya Yoga? What does it involve? How do we find the path with the right teacher for us? Join Yogacharya O’Brian, author and Kriya Yoga teacher, as she addresses questions often asked about Kriya Yoga.

Yogacharya O’Brian is a western woman who teaches the riches of Indian philosophy in a fully accessible and inspiring way for newcomers and longtime practitioners alike. Ordained by Roy Eugene Davis, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, she has been teaching Kriya Yoga philosophy and practice, and leading meditation retreats for more than four decades. She is the founder and spiritual director of The Yoga Hour and the founder of the Center for Spiritual Enlightenment, a Kriya Yoga meditation center in San Jose, California. On her author website she offers many online learning programs. You will also find many inspirational blog posts and other resources for your study. Yogacharya O’Brian is also an author and a poet and has published several books including Living the Eternal Way: Spiritual Meaning and Practice in Daily Life, The Jewel of Abundance: Finding Prosperity Through the Ancient Wisdom of Yoga, and her latest book of poetry, The Moon Reminded Me.


THE YOGA HOUR TEAM COMMENTS: Yogacharya O'Brian answered so many of the questions about Kriya Yoga that I am often asked as a student of this yogic path. 

  • Is Kriya Yoga a religion? Is Yoga Hindu? How is it related to Hinduism?

  • What does it mean to say that these teachings are scientific?

  • What is authentic Kriya Yoga?

  • What is the significance of initiation into Kriya Yoga practices?

Yogacharya’s answers to these questions were clear, to the point, honest and amazingly insightful.

DR. TRUJILLO’S COMMENTS: It was an engaging conversation covering everything from what Kriya Yoga is, to whether yoga is Hindu, what makes a Kriya Yoga path authentic, the benefits of being part of a lineage, and the importance of initiation. I loved Yogacharya’s description of the Kriya Yoga path being “extraordinarily ordinary”, meaning while this path helps us to know who we truly are as expressions of the One which is beyond description and understanding, Kriya Yoga also is down to earth and so applicable in our day to day lives. Yogacharya’s recollection of the Buddhist saying “Life is short. Don’t waste your life.” is an important reminder to us all.


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