Divine Grace Lived: A Journey of a Lifetime

Francis X. Clooney is a Catholic priest, theologian, and professor at Harvard Divinity School, whose deep faith led to exploration of Hinduism and the development of a comparative theology.  We discuss his memoir: Hindu and Catholic, Priest and ScholarA Love Story.
#kriyayoga #theology #catholic #oneness #comparative theology #grace #curiosity

Francis X. Clooney

Francis X. Clooney, S.J. is a Roman Catholic priest and scholar in the teachings of Hinduism. He has been a member of the Society of Jesus for 55 years. He is currently a professor at Harvard Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Francis Clooney joined the Harvard Divinity School faculty in 2005, where he is the Parkman Professor of Divinity and Professor of Comparative Theology. From 2010 to 2017, he was the Director of the Center for the Study of World Religions at Harvard. Father Clooney is a leading figure globally in the developing field of comparative theology, a discipline distinguished by attentiveness to the dynamics of theological learning deepened through the study of traditions other than one’s own. He has also written on the Jesuit missionary tradition, particularly in India, on the early Jesuit pan-Asian discourse on reincarnation, and on the dynamics of dialogue and interreligious learning in the contemporary world.  He is the author of numerous articles and books related to comparative theology and Hinduism including his memoir, Hindu and Catholic, Priest and Scholar: A Love Story
WEBSITE: Francis Clooney

THE YOGA HOUR TEAM COMMENTS: This was a beautiful discussion of faith, oneness, growth, curiosity and wisdom.  It was so interesting to hear Father Clooney's journey from being a young Catholic in seminary growing up on the East Coast to his life today as a Roman Catholic Priest and Professor at Harvard University; and how his studies of Hindu theology and traditions have been interwoven into his whole life.  His purpose for writing his memoir at this time should cause all of us to pause for a moment and ask, "how did I get where I am today" and "what role has grace played in that?"  His definition of comparative theology was a powerful one, saying that it is "faith seeking understanding," much different from the analytical work of comparing religions.   In a world where there is pressure to always create something new and different, the benefit of studying our wisdom traditions is to take those ancient teachings and bring them into practice in our lives today; there is nothing new that needs to be created.  

DR. TRUJILLO’S COMMENTS: Our discussion of Oneness, that sense that God is here and now, within us and around us, began with Francis Clooney’s description of the mystical experience he had at age 15.  I enjoyed our conversation since Oneness is such an essential principle of yoga.  We reviewed how the exploration of other spiritual paths can add depth to our own, helped along by our curiosity and humility.  It was inspiring to see how all his grace-filled experiences came together to form the tapestry of his life.  


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