Celebrate the Unity of Life

In this time of divisiveness, recognition and celebration of our underlying unity is even more important. Rev. Paul John Roach discusses the unity of the world’s religions and how various spiritual traditions celebrate the return of the light at this time of year.
#kriya yoga #oneness #unity #winter solstice #mysticism #grief

Rev. Paul John Roach

A native of Wales, UK, Paul John Roach is an ordained Unity minister from the Unity Ministerial School, Kansas City. He served as the Senior Minister at Unity Fort Worth (1988-2018). Paul has widely served the Unity ministry including serving on the board of Unity World Headquarters. The podcast he hosts, World Spirituality and through social media sites, Paul explores themes of connectedness, oneness and remembering wholeness. He is the author of the book, Unity and the World Religions that we discuss on The Yoga Hour.

THE YOGA HOUR TEAM COMMENTS: I enjoyed this rich conversation with Dr. Trujillo and Rev. Paul John Roach that touches into the heart of this time and season. A potent time of year when we observe the signs all around—in nature, in the darkness and letting go into silence, mystery and wonder. It’s deeply supportive to embrace the many connections we have to each other and to those that came before us, to connect with the Source in and around us. This conversation affirmed for me that yoga practice is the way into this sacred time, and how grief and letting go is surrender into the light of conscious awareness.

DR. TRUJILLO’S COMMENTS: I really enjoyed our discussion of Oneness, the unity that is present at the mystical core of the world’s religions. It's is so important for us to remember that we are all connected, and to live from that viewpoint.  I also enjoyed our conversation about the special celebrations that occur in many religions at this darkest time of the year as we prepare for the returning of the light.  I was inspired by Rev. Roach’s description of the first principle of the Unity spiritual community; that “God is absolute good, everywhere present, the one presence and power in the universe”, which leads to the second Unity principle, that "Human beings have a spark of divinity within them.”  His advice to take a fast from panic was helpful in this divisive time, as was his advice to remember that all is in Divine Order, even when we cannot see it.  The wisdom that Paul John Roach brought to our interview will be helpful to our listeners.


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