Embrace the Powerful, Peaceful and Prosperous Goddess Within - Part One

Acharya Shunya is a renowned Vedic teacher and the first female head of her family teaching lineage. Join us as she shares that by learning about the goddess qualities within, women can step into their innate divinity and lead powerful, abundant, and wise lives. Acharya Shunya is an award-winning and internationally renowned spiritual teacher and scholar of Advaita (nondual wisdom) and is a classically-trained master of Yoga and Ayurveda. She offers many courses and retreats and she is author of numerous books. Her new book, that is being discussed on this program is Roar Like a Goddess: Every Woman’s Guide To Becoming Unapologetically Powerful, Prosperous and Peaceful.

THE YOGA HOUR TEAM COMMENTS: In Part One of this two part interview, Acharya Shunya's shares about the tools of the mythology of the Divine Goddess in the forms of Durga, Lakshmi and Sarasvati. She wants to encourage women and all those who identify as feminine to embrace their divine power unapologetically. Dr. Trujillo shared that Yogacharya O'Brian wrote a review for the book saying “the book is not about the Goddess; it is the voice of the Goddess, bold and clear, with a message ancient and ever new: You are That.” As Acharya Shunya explained, we have these qualities of power, abundance and peace within us, but we allow outside forces and traditions to tell us that we are not worthy. Most of this first program focuses on the Goddess Durga. She is the one who exemplifies power and who protects us from our own negative thinking, addictions and limitations that we feel have been placed on us or that we place upon ourselves. I really enjoy Acharya's outspoken style and how she brings the example of the attributes of these goddesses to us so we can learn about and embrace these qualities in ourselves. I am looking forward to tuning in to Part Two.

DR. TRUJILLO’S COMMENTS: In this program I appreciated Acharya’s comments about the need to be unapologetic in claiming the goddess power within. We discussed several of the goddess qualities: being bold rather than fearful, abundant rather than scarce, and joyful rather than sorrowful. It is helpful to me to think about the different goddesses as all being facets of the One goddess Shakti, different aspects of the One. In this program we discussed the Goddess Durga as being powerful, not for power’s sake, but in the service of the greater good for all.


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